Sunday, September 25, 2011

How to prepare for death.

Death is something that everyone is going to have to go through at sometime weather it be someone they love or their own death, but which ever it is its going to happen to everyone. I'd like to give some tips on what to do to prepare for death. Simple as three easy steps.
1. Write a journal.
2. Leave your mark on this earth.
3. Live life with no regrets
Oh and it would probably be smart to have a will.
Thats my advice on life! 
Good luck:)

Sunday, September 18, 2011

I Walk Alone

I walk alone I walk alone
In this old barber shop, with nothing but dusty chairs
Dust flying from the broken windows
Cool breeze from the fall air
I walk alone I walk alone

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Im thinking about you..

Im thinking about you like rings think about fingers, like legs think about dancing, like cameras think about pictures, like clocks think about time. Im thinking about you like pens think about paper like tramps think about jumping, like swimmers think about swimming like actors think about acting. Im thinking about you like lights think about shining like the sun thinks about shining like the stars think about the moon like astronauts think about the moon. Im thinking about you like cars think about driving like girls think about boys like fire thinks about burning like printers think about ink like earrings think about ears like tattoos think about skin. Im thinking about you like doors think about shutting like key boards think about typing like coasters think about cups like forrests think about burning like rivers think about flowing. Im thinking about you like popcorn thinks about butter like candles think about burning like lawnmowers think about mowing like teachers think about teaching like doctors think about fixing. Im thinking about you like cancer thinks about death like knives think about cutting. Im thinking about you like you've never thought before.

Friday, September 2, 2011


LOVE has no real definition...
LOVE is trust.
LOVE is faith that the feeling is mutual.
LOVE is a mystery.
LOVE is like a river, it never ends
LOVE is like putting total faith in a person.
LOVE is happiness
LOVE is like air, you cant live without it
LOVE is like a drug, addicting.
LOVE is knowing that true LOVE never ends.
Someone once said that LOVE does not exhist, But my belif is you find true LOVE once you find that someone who has the same definition of LOVE as you.